Transition Year was introduced to Curragh Community College in September 2022. Transition year is a one-year programme taken after Junior Certificate and before the Leaving Certificate. The programme is designed to act as a bridge between Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes. The core subjects studied throughout the year will be English, Irish, Maths, IT, Wellbeing and PE. Students will have an opportunity to sample new areas of learning to ensure an informed decision is made when progressing to Leaving Certificate. Our Transition year programme will be tailored to the needs and interests of our students. Workshops and activities will take place throughout the year to help students develop skills that will be of huge benefit as they progress to Leaving Certificate, 3rd level and working life.
Transition Year Co-ordinator - Ms Sinéad Gorman.
Transition Year Application Form 2025-2026.pdf
TY Parents-Student Info Evening.pdf