Leaving Certificate Applied was introduced to the Curragh Community College in September 2019. Leaving Certificate Applied is a distant, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing learners for adult and working life. It emphasizes forms achievement and excellence which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognized in the past. The Leaving Certificate Applied programme offers students the freedom to engage in different and new learning experiences both in and out of school. Students take part in work experience weekly.
Leaving Certificate Applied subjects at the Curragh Community College:
- English & Communications
- Maths Applications
- French
- Irish
- Vocational Preparation
- Guidance
- Visual Art - Music & Art
- Hotel Catering & Tourism
- Graphics & Construction Studies
- Social Education
- Science
- Spanish
- Information Technology Communications
- Office Administration
- Leisure & Recreation
- Craft & Design
LCA Coordinator - Ms Aimee Horan
LCA Parents & Student Info .pdf