This JCPA (Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement) will contain:
- The results of your JC State Exams.
- The results/descriptors for your completed Classroom Based Assessment/s
- Information on ‘Other Areas of Learning’ you have undertaken during 1st, 2nd and 3rd year in school.

Other Areas of Learning are areas where the student has achieved outside of the classroom. These may include:
Examples of suitable achievements for inclusion as an OAL;
Specific awards you have won for sporting or cultural achievements in first, second and third year.
Member of School Sporting Team (eg: Football, Basketball, Athletics)
Member of other (non-sporting) extra-curricular activity. (eg: Student Council, Social Justice Group, School Choir)
Taking part in the organisation of a charity fundraising event in the school.
Performing in front of classmates/schoolmates at a school musical, dramatic or dance performance.
Taking part in organising or being involved in a school event (Open Night, school information session or presenting to parents).